Carta’s Atlas of the Biblical World Documenting over 3,000 years of East Mediterranean history, this detailed volume is an up-to-date depiction of Biblical history and geography by way of the ancient sources with original texts and translations from native languages incorporated into the narrative of the Atlas.
This handy format atlas of 33 maps and town plans, a time chart from 2300 BC to AD 160, and illustrations based on archaeological finds, presents an attractive, but information-packed little volume.
Study Edition This artistically illustrated Bible History Atlas starts at the very beginning of the Bible narrative and proceeds through to the Revolt of the Jews Against Rome, taking in the Life of Jesus and the Beginnings of Christianity.
This volume, the first of four in The Carta New Testament Atlas, is about recent advances in history, geography, toponomy, and archaeology, the tools necessary to shed fresh light on the Gospels.
This work provides a summary of biblical data centered on the lives of some of the greatest characters who walked across the pages of scripture. *** NEW ***
A modern reading of Josephus’ ancient text, profusely illustrated, and placed against its geographical historical background. * * N E W RELEASE ! * *
Reimagining the Parables of Jesus is a pioneering work that considers more fully the language, culture and religious trends of first-century Judaism in our reading of the Gospel parables. ***** FORTHCOMING ****
Understanding the Gospels as Ancient Jewish Literature deals with the Gospels’ role as part of a collection of Greco-Roman Jewish texts (4th cent. BC–3rd cent. AD) that include the Dead Sea Scrolls and the literature of the early Rabbis. *** OUT OF STOCK***
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