The distribution of the land among the twelve tribes
The world's most complete Encyclopedia of Holy Land discoveries.
The Ultimate Textbook on Biblical Jerusalem devoted to the serious study of the Holy City.
Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch
Palestine in the Fourth Century A.D. For archaeologists specializing in the Levant, the Onomasticon of Eusebius Pamphili, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine (c. A.D. 260–339), has long been considered to be one of the most useful works extant from antiquity.
A Syllabus – "...the best collection of biblical and extra-biblical sources..." Teaching History and Historical Geography of Bible Lands outlines a path to understanding the Bible. These lectures are a tour de force in the discipline of historical...
This concise guide to the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre describes one of the most puzzling buildings in existence. ******** OUT OF STOCK ***********
Illustrated with over a hundred vistas, town maps and plans, and holy sites in words and pictures, this lavish guide to Jesus in the Holy Land follows the course of the life of Jesus.
This handy format atlas of 33 maps and town plans, a time chart from 2300 BC to AD 160, and illustrations based on archaeological finds, presents an attractive, but information-packed little volume.
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