Study Edition This artistically illustrated Bible History Atlas starts at the very beginning of the Bible narrative and proceeds through to the Revolt of the Jews Against Rome, taking in the Life of Jesus and the Beginnings of Christianity.
To understand the preliminary stages of Saul’s final confrontation with the Philistines, one must recognize the objectives of the author of the Book of Samuel. He seeks to exonerate David from any responsibility for military action against his own people or against Saul.
The Roman Empire; Rome
Five maps illustrating the early life of Jesus and his travels.
Third Paperback Edition - This book undertakes to present the Christian movement by emphasizing three foci: 1) intellectual discipline; 2) moral and ethical...
Jerusalem During the Early Muslim Period (638-1099)
Aelia Capitolina (135-326)
This work provides a summary of biblical data centered on the lives of some of the greatest characters who walked across the pages of scripture. *** NEW ***
A set of 10 full-size sheets with 14 maps (28 x 40 in.) covering every aspect of JESUS AND THE APOSTLES. Specially designed as a...
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