The arrest, interrogation and execution of Jesus
Facsimile of divorce decree of Miriam, daughter of Yehonatan, written in Masada and found in a cave at Wadi Murabba'at (Ada Yardeni)
Saul of Tarsus (Paul) on the road to Damascus
Jesus in His Land; Jerusalem of the New Testament
Attention is focused on Transjordan with the legend of Jephthah (Judg 10:6–12:7), a hero whose life reflects a number of themes from this type of literature, not only in the Levant but in the eastern Mediterranean in general.
Three chapters in the Book of Judges (6–8) are devoted to the career of a hero – Gideon – from the central hills of Ephraim, from the clan of Abiezer, a branch of the tribe of Manasseh.
Five maps illustrating the Hasmonean decline and the rise of Herode.
The development of Jewish history, its religious movements, Jewish culture and languages and antisemitism are lucidly presented in this atlas with over 200 maps, illustrations, charts and lists.
The Patriarchs came into the the land of Canaan from Transjordan and confined their migratory movements in Cisjordan to the watershed route through the hill country, from Shechem via Bethel to Hebron. They also sojourned in the Negeb, that is, Beer-sheba and vicinity......
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