The Patriarchs came into the the land of Canaan from Transjordan and confined their migratory movements in Cisjordan to the watershed route through the hill country, from Shechem via Bethel to Hebron. They also sojourned in the Negeb, that is, Beer-sheba and vicinity......
David's initial campaigns in Transjordan
The personal conflict between King Saul and his protégé, David, is the topic of several chapters in the Book of Samuel.
To understand the preliminary stages of Saul’s final confrontation with the Philistines, one must recognize the objectives of the author of the Book of Samuel. He seeks to exonerate David from any responsibility for military action against his own people or against Saul.
Saul was the last of the judges and the first of Israel's kings. Saul not only delivered Israel from the Philistine yoke, but also warred upon all the other surrounding enemies, and he “delivered Israel out of the hands of those who plundered them'' (1 Sam 14:48).
Unlike the narrative about Abram, that describing Jacob's return from Paddan-aram is quite explicit.
The newly established kingdom of Israel is depicted in the census ordered by David. The territory covered represents all of the area directly under control of the monarchy in Jerusalem.
The Samson cycle of heroic legends (Judg 13–16) concludes the circle of narratives about charismatic leaders in the pre-monarchic period.
Various allusions indicate that movements similar to the Danite migration took place among other tribes, though the respective traditions have been lost.
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