The World of the Greeks; Empire of Alexander the Great
The Roman Empire; Rome
The Growth of Christianity
The Route of Alexander the Great
The Eponym Chronicle records a campaign by Adad-nirari to Mansuate in 796 BCE. That list seems to focus on one geographic entity that was central to the campaign without giving further details......
Hypothetical campaign of Pepi I
The southern hill country was dominated by Jerusalem, whose ruler, `Abdi-Kheba, was supported by agarrison of Nubian mercenaries. The Amarna letters tell of conflict between `Abdi-Kheba and hisneighbors on the coastal plain.
The campaign of Alexander to the conquest of Tyre
The siege and conquest of Avaris and the expulsion of the last Hyksos ruler of the XVth Dynasty isrecorded in the tomb inscription of one professional soldier whose career spanned the reigns of the first three kings of Dynasty XVIII. That is the text from the tomb of Ahmose, son of the woman...
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