The rebellion in the Kadesh-barnea area was a paradigm of national rebellion in the cultic and religious traditions of the monarchial period (Num 20:13; Deut 33:8; Ps 81:8, 95:8, 106:32).
Unlike the narrative about Abram, that describing Jacob's return from Paddan-aram is quite explicit.
The newly established kingdom of Israel is depicted in the census ordered by David. The territory covered represents all of the area directly under control of the monarchy in Jerusalem.
The Samson cycle of heroic legends (Judg 13–16) concludes the circle of narratives about charismatic leaders in the pre-monarchic period.
Various allusions indicate that movements similar to the Danite migration took place among other tribes, though the respective traditions have been lost.
It was in the central hill country, the strategic “saddle,” that Samuel, prophet/judge/Levite, had his “circuit” of ministry:
It appears that Israelite-Philistine relations were a continuous chain of hostile actions and reactions. The surprising Israelite victory in the days of Samuel may have brought about, in turn, more intensified efforts on the part of the Philistines.
King Solomon is credited with being the first major builder in the Davidic dynasty. David is said to have built a palace for himself with Phoenician architects (1 Chr 14:1–2; 15:2) and there is no reason tdoubt that during his long reign he did initiate his own projects.
The tragic deaths of Abner and Eshbaal led to David’s kingship over Israel and Judah. Abner was slain by Joab at Hebron.
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