By: Leen Ritmeyer, Kathleen Ritmeyer
Various routes have been suggested for the scintillating story of the Wanderings of the Ark in the Bible, whose journey spanned more than a thousand years. All texts, as does this one, still carry question marks. For a better understanding, the authors have provided a number of photographs of the various regions through which the Ark passed, from its construction by Bezaleel in the wilderness of Sinai to its final destination in the Holy of Holies of Solomon’sTemple.
Scholars and artists have long grappled with the intricacies of the biblical descriptions. Over the centuries many proposals have been made in both word and picture for the Tabernacle and its artifacts. Here the authors have provided reconstructions and illustrations which are based on archaeological evidence and contemporary finds to facilitate the following of the progress of the Holy Ark.
Language: English
Soft Cover, 72 pages, 8.25 x10.75 in. (21 x27 cm)
Full Color
ISBN: 965-220-434-X
Weight: 255 g (9 oz)