The war of Gideon
The Samson cycle of heroic legends (Judg 13–16) concludes the circle of narratives about charismatic leaders in the pre-monarchic period.
By the twelfth century BCE the principal rival peoples in Palestine were becoming well established in their respective areas. The Canaanites continued to dwell in the northern valleys and plains, the Philistines (with other “sea peoples”?) in the southern coastal plain, and the tribes of Israel in the hill country.
The Book of Judges was intended to give due credit to the various tribal heroes of the pre-monarchial age. On the other hand, the book stressed the shortcomings of even the most renowned of the judges, or deliverers.
Ancient Near East - physical
The Coming of the Israelites; The Exodus
The Kingdoms of Judah and Israel; Jerusalem of the Old Testament
The settlement pattern of Judah is reflected in great detail by Joshua 15:20-63. That passage is the most detailed geographical text preserved in the Bible. The date of the original document incorporated by the author of Joshua is disputed.
The Exodus and Wandering in the Wilderness
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